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Structure of Atom for Class 9 CBSE

Structure Of Atom, the proceeded with subdivisions of matter would at last yield particles which would not be further divisible.


  • course Recorded Lessons: 14
  • course Recorded Hours: 2
  • course Duration: 2 days (Avg)


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  • course TDP Assessment Test
Course Description

Structure of Atom Class 9 Solutions - Online Course on Stucture of Atom

The essential terms related to the atom are an atomic number, mass number, electronic configuration, valency, isotopes and isobars. Atomic Number represents the total number of protons present in the nucleus of an atom. The word 'atom' has been derived from the Greek word 'a-tomio' which signifies 'non-divisible'. It is a neutral atomic particle. To describe the arrangement of subatomic particles within an atom, many models of an atom are proposed. Some of them are Thomson’s Model, Rutherford’s Model, Bohr’s Model. Atoms comprise of three fundamental particles: protons, electrons, and neutrons.


Check more CBSE Class 9 and Class 10 Courses

What you'll learn

  • Thompson's Structure Of An Atom
  • Rutherford's - Alpha Particules


  • Class 9 Student
Course Content
13 Lessons | 2:00 Total hours
Structure of Atom
About the instructor
Rashmi T


4.5 Instructor Rating

13 Courses


2+ Lesson


546 Students enrolled

I have More than 35 years of Management and teaching experience in chemistry subject also I have done Ph.D. from IIT Roorkee in chemistry.