Course Includes
- Recorded Lessons: 188
- Recorded Hours: 23
- Duration: 23 days (Avg)
Course Features
- Access on mobile
- TDP Assessment Test
- 1 Job Available
Top Skills Covered
Course Description
Learn Python and JavaScript how to use it to analyze, visualize and present data using Microsoft SQL queries
In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every Web developer needs to know. We will start from scratch by learning how to implement modern web development with JavaScript, Python, and Microsoft SQL.
Learn Python and JavaScript how to use it to analyze, visualize and present data using Microsoft SQL queries
Learning to code JavaScript, Python, and Microsoft SQL is The first step to Coding you need to learn to succeed in web development, it is easy to learn and understand our online JavaScript, Python, and Microsoft SQL Training course is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn Complete Developer topics. Mr. Sekhar Metla MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you that even beginners can easily understand with real-time examples.
This Development course is without a doubt the most comprehensive web development course available online. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here's why:
The course is taught by the lead instructor having 20+ years of professional experience.
Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. Python, JavaScript, and Microsoft SQL database
The course has been updated to be trending technology ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Netflix.
The curriculum was developed over a period of four years, with comprehensive student testing and feedback on who is working and applying these coding examples.
We've taught many students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own tech startups.
We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a web developer.
The course includes HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world websites and web apps.
Learn from real-world experts
Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:
Front-End Web Development
- JavaScript
- Client-side code
- Validations
- Python
- Variables
- Data types
- Statements
- Control flow statements
- Code Development
- Web Design
- Functions
- Object-oriented programming [OOPs]
- Class
- Methods
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- CRUD functions
- Error Handling
- Microsoft SQL
- Tables
- Functions
- Operators
- Queries
- DDL / DML commands
- Filtering Data
- Joins
- Reports
By the end of this course, you will be fluent in programming and ready to make any website you can dream of.
Sign up today, and look forward to:
- HD Video Lectures
- Code Challenges and Coding Exercises
- Beautiful Real-World dynamic Projects
About Your Instructor
Sekhar Metla is a software engineer with 20+ years of professional experience. He is the author of several online-selling courses with more than 40,000+ students in many countries. He has a Master of Science in Computer Applications in Software Engineering. His students describe him as passionate, pragmatic, and motivational in his teaching.
What are you waiting join now to start learning how to make your own Developer Career TODAY :)
What you'll learn
- Build coding for web-apps
- Get a job as a junior web developer
- Create your own stunning, layouts for awesome websites
- Applying python code on Data Science projects
- Master client-end development using JavaScript, back-end development Python, and Microsoft SQL
- Working with Relational Database of Microsoft SQL
- Apply JavaScript, and Python for data science and Microsoft SQL database queries on real-world tasks
- Create fully functioning web apps using Python, MSSQL, and JavaScript
- No programming experience is needed. You will learn everything you need to know
- No software is required in advance of the course (all software used in the course is free)
- No pre-knowledge is required - you will learn from basic
Who this course is for:
- Beginner JavaScript, Python, and MSSQL developers curious about data science development
- Anyone who wants to generate new income streams
- Anyone who wants to build websites
- Anyone who wants to become financially independent
- Anyone who wants to start their own business or become freelance
- Anyone who wants to become a Full stack web developer
- Learn Python and JavaScript how to use it to analyze, visualize and present data using Microsoft SQL queries
What you'll learn
- Build coding for webapps
- Create your own stunning, layouts for awesome websites
- Master client-end development using JavaScript, back-end development Python and Microsoft SQL
- Apply JavaScript, Python for data science and Microsoft SQL database queries on real-world tasks
- Get a job as a junior web developer
- Applying python code on Data Science projects
- Working with Relational Database of Microsoft SQL
- Create fully function web apps using Python, MSSQL and JavaScript
- No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know
- No software is required in advance of the course (all software used in the course is free)
- No pre-knowledge is required - you will learn from basic
Course Content
188 Lessons | 23:00 Total hours
JavaScript Introduction
Source Code
00:08:47 -
101 Introduction
00:02:43 -
104 How to ask great questions
00:01:21 -
203 Installing Code Editor
00:03:49 -
301 What is JavaScript
00:08:54 -
302 Hello World Program
00:13:33 -
303 Getting Output
00:10:57 -
304 Internal JavaScript
00:13:29 -
305 External JavaScript
00:08:49 -
306 Inline JavaScript
00:03:45 -
307 Async and defer
00:05:50 -
907 SQL statement basic
JavaScript Basics
308 Variables
00:12:41 -
309 Data Types
00:09:41 -
310 Numbers
00:05:48 -
311 Strings
00:05:54 -
312 String Formatting
JavaScript Operators
313 Arithmetic operators
00:07:14 -
314 Assignment operators
00:03:08 -
315 Comparison operators
00:06:06 -
316 Logical operators
JavaScript Conditional Statements
317 If-else statement
00:05:18 -
318 If-else-if statement
JavaScript Control Flow Statements
319 While loop
00:08:32 -
320 Do-while loop
00:02:30 -
321 For loop
00:07:57 -
322 Coding Exercise
00:01:36 -
323 Solution for Coding Exercise
JavaScript Functions
324 Creating a Function
00:07:23 -
325 Function Call()
00:06:52 -
326 Function with parameters
00:05:09 -
695 Try - Except Exceptions Handling
00:07:16 -
908 SELECT Statement
JavaScript Error Handling
327 Try-catch
00:05:24 -
328 Try-catch-finally
JavaScript Client-Side Validations
329 On Submit Validation
00:08:42 -
330 Input Numeric Validation
Python Introduction
601 Introduction to Python
00:02:16 -
602 Python vs. Other Languages
00:03:49 -
603 Why Its Popular
00:03:34 -
604 Command Line Basics
00:06:43 -
605 Python Installation (Step By Step)
00:05:48 -
606 PyCharm IDE Installation
00:07:56 -
607 Getting Start PyCharm IDE
00:04:45 -
608 First Python Hello World Program
Python Basic
609 Variables
00:16:18 -
610 Data Types
00:13:09 -
611 Type Casting
00:07:05 -
612 User Inputs
00:07:54 -
Python Strings
614 Strings
00:04:58 -
615 String Indexing
00:05:21 -
616 String Slicing
00:03:53 -
617 String Built-in Functions
00:08:36 -
618 Formatting String (Dynamic Data)
Python Operators
619 Arithmetic Operators
00:07:48 -
620 Assignment Operators
00:04:41 -
621 Comparison Operators
00:05:21 -
622 Logical Operators
00:02:02 -
623 AND Operator
00:04:09 -
624 OR Operator
00:02:16 -
625 NOT Operator
00:02:52 -
626 Booleans
Python Data Structures
635 Join tuples
00:01:51 -
643 Join Set Items
00:03:55 -
642 Remove Set Items
00:01:27 -
641 Add Set Items
00:03:08 -
640 Sets
00:03:40 -
639 Nested Dictionaries
00:04:01 -
638 Remove Dictionary Items
00:02:41 -
637 Add Dictionary Items
00:04:26 -
636 Dictionaries
00:06:03 -
627 Arrays in Earlier
00:01:46 -
634 Update tuples
00:06:59 -
633 Tuples
00:07:43 -
632 Join Lists
00:07:36 -
631 Sort Lists
00:02:46 -
630 Remove List Items
00:01:17 -
629 Add List Items
00:02:55 -
628 Lists
Python Conditional Statements
644 If Statement
00:03:21 -
645 If-else Statement
00:04:08 -
646 If-elif-else Statement
00:03:59 -
647 If Statement Coding Exercise
Python control flow statements
648 Flow Chart
00:06:26 -
649 While Loops Statement
00:09:42 -
650 For Loops Statement
00:06:18 -
651 The range() Function
00:03:37 -
652 Nested Loops
00:03:30 -
653 2D List using Nested Loop
Python core games
654 Guessing Game
00:07:15 -
655 Car Game
Python functions
656 Creating a Function
00:03:09 -
657 Calling a Function
00:06:03 -
658 Function with Arguments
Python args, KW args for Data Science
659 args, Arbitary Arguments
00:04:06 -
660 kwargs, Arbitary Keyword Arguments
Python project
661 Project Overview
00:03:30 -
662 ATM Realtime Project
Python Object oriented programming [OOPs]
663 Introduction to Class
00:06:46 -
664 Create a Class
00:09:28 -
665 Calling a Class Object
00:07:52 -
666 Class Parameters - Objects
00:05:15 -
667 Access Modifiers(theory)
Python Methods
668 Introduction to methods
00:05:49 -
669 Create a method
00:07:14 -
670 Method with parameters
00:11:41 -
671 Method default parameter
00:06:21 -
672 Multiple parameters
00:05:20 -
673 Method return keyword
00:04:24 -
674 Method Over loading
Python Class and Objects
675 Introduction to OOPs
00:04:42 -
676 Classes and Objects
00:07:55 -
677 Class Constructors
Python Inheritance and Polymorphism
678 Introduction
00:04:02 -
679 Inheritance
00:13:11 -
680 Polymorphism
00:12:44 -
681 Assessment Test
00:02:58 -
682 Solution for Assessment Test
Python Encapsulation and Abstraction
683 Introduction
00:02:53 -
684 Access Modifiers (public, protected, private)
00:20:30 -
685 Encapsulation
00:06:44 -
686 Abstraction
Python OOPs Games
687 Dice Game
00:06:24 -
688 Card and Deck Game Playing
Python Modules and Packages
689 PIP command installations
00:11:33 -
690 Modules
00:12:23 -
691 Built-in Modules
00:03:13 -
692 Packages
00:07:31 -
693 Reading CSV files
Python Error Handling
694 Errors – Types of Errors
00:07:45 -
695 Try - Except Exceptions Handling
696 Try-Except-Finally Blocks
Microsoft SQL[MS] Introduction
901 Introduction
00:03:55 -
902 Overview of Databases
00:08:56 -
903 MSSQL Installation
00:27:19 -
904 MSSQL SSMS Installation
00:07:51 -
905 Connecting to MS-SQL (Windows Authentication)
00:04:41 -
906 Connecting to MS-SQL (SQL Server Authentication)
MS SQL Statements
907 SQL statement basic
00:12:54 -
908 SELECT Statement
00:16:29 -
00:16:54 -
910 Column AS Statement
00:09:12 -
MS SQL Filtering Data
912 SELECT WHERE Clause – One
00:04:58 -
913 SELECT WHERE Clause – Two
00:11:38 -
00:09:34 -
915 TOP in MSSQL
00:05:39 -
00:13:13 -
917 IN Operator - Condition
00:08:12 -
918 LIKE
MS SQL Functions
919 Overview of GROUP BY
00:08:12 -
920 Aggregation Function – SUM()
00:11:52 -
921 Aggregation Function – MIN()-MAX()
00:08:21 -
922 GROUP BY – One(theory)
00:10:55 -
923 GROUP BY – Two(practical)
00:13:55 -
MS SQL Joins
925 Overview of JOINS
00:06:39 -
926 Introduction to JOINS
00:07:08 -
927 AS Statement
00:03:44 -
928 INNER Join
00:12:21 -
929 Full Outer Join
00:07:24 -
930 Left Outer Join
00:05:59 -
931 Right Outer Join
00:07:51 -
932 Union
MS SQL Advanced commands
933 Basic of Advanced SQL Commands
00:04:20 -
934 Timestamp
00:11:40 -
935 Extract from Timestamp
00:06:22 -
936 Mathematical Scalar Functions
00:11:08 -
937 String Functions
00:16:40 -
938 Sub Query
MS SQL Structure and Keys
939 Basic of Database and Tables
00:09:41 -
940 Data Types
00:10:54 -
941 Select Datatype on SSMS
00:05:06 -
942 How to set Primary Key
00:05:37 -
943 How to set Foreign Key
00:12:11 -
944 Create Table using SQL Script
MS SQL Queries
945 Insert query
00:06:29 -
946 Update query
00:08:02 -
947 Delete query
MS SQL Structure queries
948 Alter Table
00:04:20 -
949 Drop Table
MS SQL Constraints
950 Check Constraint
00:14:07 -
951 NOT NULL Constraint
00:11:46 -
952 UNIQUE Constraint
MS SQL Backup and Restore
953 Overview of Database and Tables
00:03:32 -
954 Creating a Database backup using SSMS
00:10:51 -
955 Restoring a Database from backup using SSMS
About the instructor
Sekhar Metla
45 Courses
13+ Lesson
1215 Students enrolled
Sekhar Metla is a software engineer with 15 years of professional experience. He is the author of several best-selling TeacherDada courses with more than 26,000+ students in 192 countries. He has a Master of Science in Computer Applications as Software Engineering and is also Microsoft Certified Professional. His students describe him as passionate, pragmatic, and motivational in his teaching.